Landscaping Articles
Articles by Alison Peck and mentions of Matrix Gardens in publications around our area and nationwide.
CRP PODCAST - Colorado Isn’t The Desert. A Sustainable Lawn Doesn’t Have To Be Rocks & Cacti
Alison Peck of Matrix Gardens weighs in about Sustainable Gardening and water conserving alternatives to using blue grass lawns on the Front Range.
Landscaping For Wildlife
Do you ever pause enraptured by a soaring birdsong, or trace a butterfly's flight among the flowers and want to encourage their visits to your garden? Or perhaps saddened as wildlands disappear, you wish to landscape to provide replacement habitat for these wild birds, animals and insects. Is it possible?
Low Maintenance Is Good!
Low-maintenance landscaping is really nature-maintained landscaping. As the green industry works to lower our harmful impact on the earth, it is time to rethink our landscape values and aesthetics. Many of our aesthetic landscape principles still hearken back European aristocrats...
High Impact: Colorful low-water plants thrive in these gardens
From the Cascades and the Sierra to the Rockies, the West is richly supplied with mountains. It's only natural, then, that rock gardens should fit so well into our landscapes. Designer Alison Peck takes rock-gardening style to new heights at this home on a mesa overlooking Boulder, Colorado.
Backyard Climate Solutions
In this deep winter month of January, my thoughts turn to roots and the soil – that mysterious realm that we know so little about. As the seriousness of our climate problems sinks in, we are looking for ways to reduce greenhouse gasses. We can reduce harmful emissions, and we can also remove carbon from the atmosphere in a variety of ways.